Rhinos and Elephants, beloved throughout the world, face severe threats from poaching, along with habitat loss and fragmentation.
Elephant tusks and rhino horns are highly valued in the wildlife trade.
Elephants and Rhinos are ecologically important and the ecosystems would suffer without them.
Most of the wildlife areas in Southern Africa are fenced, so the animals are unable to migrate to an area where there is an abundance of food.
Will they survive and be seen by future generations?
Rhinos & Elephants are in danger of being hunted to extinction.

African Elephants are killed
by poachers seeking ivory,
meat and body parts.
Rhinos were killed last year in South Africa. More are being
lost to poachers every year,
than are being born.
If the market continues to drive poaching, both Elephants and Rhinos could vanish from the wild as early as 2030.

Therein lies a great need to help ‘at risk’ Elephants & Rhinos to live happy lives in new, safe, and protected areas free from the world of poaching and illegal trade.
There they will thrive and survive...rather than try, and die.

For those that knew Chris Holcroft, they would all agree that his larger than life presence and warm character was felt throughout the conservation world of South Africa. His passion and support for wildlife conservation projects furthered the path towards achieving the goal of ending elephant and rhino exploitation, protecting habitats these giants call home, and ultimately securing the generations of these species to come. We would like to continue what Chris had begun, for his legacy and for the animals. Our hope is that others, like you, will be inspired to follow in his footsteps.
Chris saw these sentient beings were being stripped of their basic rights and natural instincts to migrate, protect their families, and live a natural life on land they were meant for. Humans are destroying their chance of life. This not only affects these herds, but also the biodiversity of the land they would typically thrive from, and the economic downturn of rural communities within South Africa.
This is why we need your help. We need to rise up and be the voice for the voiceless, and we cannot do it without you.

Conservation experts have begun the work to prevent rhino and elephant extinction in Africa, though there is much more to be done.
The identified need to save these animals is TRANSLOCATION.
By simple definition, translocation is the process of capturing, loading, transporting and releasing these animals into a new habitat – one that is SAFE from poachers and has abundant land resources.
Will they survive and be seen by future generations?
Rhinos & Elephants are in danger of being hunted to extinction.

“The plan is simple enough – to raise enough money to go back and start moving at-risk animals and sending them to the areas that have vegetation in abundance, the right security infrastructure, and they can add significant positive impact to worldwide conservation.”
– Chris Holcroft
Now that we have identified the problem; the dire need for elephants and rhinos to be translocated from land that is unsafe and barren from their basic needs, to an area where they can thrive – we can transition to the first phase of development:
Phase 1: Acquire parcels of land to create Loziba Wildlife Reserve.

Loziba Wildlife Reserve
Located North of Durban, in the heart of Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The Loziba Wilderness project will see the establishment of a 25,000 hectare (61,776 acres) wilderness reserve.
The project will have minimal environmental impact and has been designed to create significant net positive impact for the local host community.
Loziba Wilderness Reserve will become a safe haven for wildlife and an abundant ecosystem the animals can thrive in.

Initial Purchase of Farm Zoekmij No. 207 | 1050 hectares/2,600 acres
Total Cost US$185,000
Raised to Date US$95,000
Balance to find US$90,000

Key 1: Zoekmij- Funded and Finalised
Key 2: Government Claim in Process with Davel and Nhlazatshe Community
Key 3 & 5: Zoekmij Sub-Hollandia – bankrupt estate with Legal and Claim – in Court
Key 4: Dropped to Final last status – Funds Required R4million (US$253,000)
Key 6: Loziba truWILD Focus Syndicate paid Deposit for R8,500,000 – work in progress with Alec van Heerden (US$539,000)
Key 7: Done in Constitition by signing Malangane into Loziba
Key 8: Mawana Pty Ltd – 10,000ha of land in estate R50,000,000 circa (US$3,171,000)
Key 9: will not include at this stage
Key 10: Hambrock – in process value R4,500,000 (US$285,000) truWILD Focus
Key 11: Inhlanhla Ranch – R5,500,000 going concern is a priority (US$348,000) truWILD Focus

Make a donation to support this worthy cause that can help to combat wildlife crime and give these animals refuge.
Get even more involved, and partner with us on a deeper level to see this project through and change the lives of wildlife and the African people for generations to come.
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